Global Settings

To access all saved options of a tab, use our global functionsetting(‘tab_key’)

To access any of your saved options with in your code, use our global functionsetting(‘tab.field_key’)



Reset all
  • Single checkbox field setting(‘ob_checkbox.checkbox’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Multiple checkbox field setting(‘ob_checkbox.multicheckbox_id’)
    This is the label description you can use here
Reset all

Color picker

Reset all
  • Color picker field setting(‘ob_colorpicker.colorpicker’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description text you can use here
Reset all

Date picker

Reset all
  • Date picker field setting(‘ob_datepicker.datepicker’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Date time field setting(‘ob_datepicker.datepicker_time’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Date range picker field setting(‘ob_datepicker.date_range’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Specific dates picker field setting(‘ob_datepicker.specific_dates’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Time picker field setting(‘ob_datepicker.time’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
Reset all

Text editor

Reset all
  • Text editor setting(‘tab_editor.texteditor’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the editor description text you can use here
Reset all

File uploader

Reset all
  • Single file uploader field setting(‘ob_file.file_uploader’)
    This is the file description you can use here
    This is the file uploader description text you can use here
  • Multi file uploader field setting(‘ob_file.multifile_uploader’)
    This is the file description you can use here
    This is the file uploader description text you can use here
Reset all

Info seprator

Reset all
  • Section separator style
    This is the info seprator description
Reset all


Reset all
  • Number field setting(‘ob_number.number’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
Reset all


Reset all
  • Password setting(‘ob_password.password’)
    This is the label desc you can use here
Reset all


Reset all
  • Radio button field setting(‘ob_radio.gender’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
Reset all

Range slider

Reset all
  • Textbox field setting(‘ob_ranger_slider.ranger_slider’)
    This is the label description you can use here
Reset all


Reset all
  • Single field repeator setting(‘ob_repeator.single_repeator’)
    This is the repeator description you can use here
  • Multiple fields repeator setting(‘ob_repeator.multi_repeator’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    • Textbox in repeator
      This is the label description you can use here
      This is the field description you can use here
    • Textarea
      This is the label description you can use here
      This is the field description you can use here
    • File uploader
      This is the file description you can use here
      This is the file uploader description text you can use here
Reset all


Reset all
  • Single select field setting(‘’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Multi Select field setting(‘ob_select.multiselect’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
Reset all


Reset all
  • Single switch field setting(‘ob_switch.switch’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Multiple switch field setting(‘ob_switch.multiswitch’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
Reset all

Tab Separator

Reset all
  • Textbox field setting(‘ob_tabs.textbox’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Textarea field setting(‘ob_tabs.textarea’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Single switch field setting(‘ob_tabs.switch’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
  • Multiple switch field setting(‘ob_tabs.multiswitch’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
Reset all


Reset all
  • Textarea field setting(‘ob_textarea.textarea’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
Reset all


Reset all
  • Textbox field setting(‘ob_textbox.textbox’)
    This is the label description you can use here
    This is the field description you can use here
Reset all